Natural Swimming Pool for a Private Client in Hampshire


1) Excavate main pool 14m x 4m and 2m depth.  

2) Excavate footings for the inner wall 14m length and 4m width.  

3) Concrete footings for the inner wall.  

4) Build inner wall in 4 inch concrete blocks.  

5) Dig footings for outer wall 20m length x 10m width. 

6) Concrete footings for outer wall.  

7) Excavate shallow entry all the way round.  

8) Build outer wall in 4 inch concrete blocks.  

9) Level and shape the spoil as required (all spoil is to remain on site)  

10) Backfill wall with ready mix concrete. 

11) Blind with sand, Lay 1mm Butyl Pond Liner, railway sleepers and 40mm shingle.  


Garthowen Garden Centre